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New Study on the Electricity Directive

Have you heard about the citizen energy communities? Based on the measures introduced by the recast Electricity Directive, consumers will be able to participate in the Energy Market more actively than before, directly or through aggregation.

The recast Electricity Directive is dedicated to consumer protection and empowerment by encouraging the use of smart metering technologies and limiting the increase in energy prices.

Spark will be working on the ‘Study supporting the verification of compliance of national legislative measures implementing Directive (EU) 2019/944 on common rules for the internal energy market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU’ for the European Commission (DG ENER). Specifically, Spark will assist the European Commission to verify the completeness and conformity of national transposition and implementing measures with the respective provisions of the Directive. This will involve in-depth legal analysis and data collection of the current measures of the 27 Member States.

We are very happy to contribute this way to support the EU’s ambitious energy efficiency targets for 2030!

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