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New Study on Hate Speech and Hate Crime

Recent research has highlighted the extent and the increase of hate crime and hate speech (including online), the links between the two and their impact on victims and on society at large.

There is currently no harmonisation of criminal offences and sanctions at EU level with regard to hate speech and hate crime on the grounds of sex, sexuality, age and disability. As a result, legal protection varies significantly across the EU.

The fight against hate speech and hate crime is a key issue for the EU. In her State of the Union speech, Commission President von der Leyen stressed that progress on fighting racism and hate is fragile and now is the moment to make change to build a truly anti-racist Union that goes from condemnation to action.

Spark Legal Network will support the Commission by a study that will:

  1. produce a detailed mapping of the legal frameworks in all Member States for tackling hate speech and hate crime on the grounds of sex, sexuality, age and disability;
  2. analyse all the information, data and views gathered through consultations and through available reports and studies on the seriousness and cross-border dimension of hate speech and hate crime on the grounds under consideration and on developments in this area of crime.

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