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Publication of the Study on Blockchains

Would you like to know more about the legal issues regarding blockchain technology, smart contracts and utility tokens, and how the Commission could address the tension between blockchain reality and legal reality, for example?

Then read the Study on Blockchains: legal, governance and interoperability aspects carried out by Spark Legal Network, Michèle Finck, Tech4i2 and Datarella for DG CONNECT that has now been published!

The overall objective of the Study is to provide evidence and support for policy approaches and concrete actions within the European blockchain initiative and to contribute to the building of an EU strategy in light of blockchain developments. The Study therefore analyses and assesses the legal framework in the EU with regard to blockchain technology and presents policy options where a need for adjustment or clarification is required. The Study also assesses what the impacts of blockchain and these policy options could be with a view to consider future blockchain policy developments.

The full Study report can be found here.

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