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Results of the Study on Security of Electricity Supply

Spark Legal Network, together with VVA Europe have now completed the final report for our study on the ‘Review of current national rules and practices relating to risk preparedness in the area of security of electricity supply’, launched by DG ENER.

The study was carried out with the assistance of Spark’s excellent network of national legal experts. The project helps to lay the ground for new EU legislation relating to security of electricity supply in Europe to be proposed by the European Commission in the near future, as part of a broader set of initiatives to reform the EU framework governing electricity markets.

The study provided the European Commission with a complete overview of the various provisions and practices and of the gaps and inconsistencies between the national strategies in relation to risk assessment, risk preparedness and emergency situations in the area of electricity of supply. The conclusions to this study show a relatively fragmented landscape among Member States. Security of electricity supply may, in a number of Member States, still be considered a national issue, although it can be seen that (bilateral and regional) cooperation is starting to develop at the policy level (while this is much more established at a technical level (TSOs, DSOs)).

The final report for the study can be found and downloaded here (DG ENER website).

For further information regarding the legal framework of security of electricity supply, this specific project or other EU law queries, contact us!

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