Home Erika Sander

Erika Sander

Erika Sander is a Senior Legal Consultant at Spark Legal and Policy Consulting, where she has been working since 2020. Erika is the lead of the Consumers, Health and Agriculture policy area.

Erika is experienced in coordinating projects and conducting legal and policy research tasks, having worked on amongst others, the ‘Study supporting the review of data storage contracts notified to the Commission under Article 15(8) of the Tobacco Products Directive 2014/40/EU’ and the ‘Study on Job Retention and Return to Work for Cancer Patients and Survivors’, both for HaDEA; the ‘Study on Enhancing implementation of the Cross-Border Healthcare Directive 2011/24/EU to ensure patient rights in the EU’ for DG SANTE; and the ‘Mapping and Assessment of Developments for sectoral professions under Directive 2005/36/EC – Profession of Veterinary Surgeon’ for DG GROW.

Erika obtained a Master’s degree in Law from the University of Genova in Italy and graduated with a thesis in European Private International Law.

Before joining Spark, Erika worked in Brussels as the Editorial Coordinator for an EU legal information service focussed on Competition Law. In addition, she worked as trainee lawyer in an Italian law firm in Genova specialised in Restructuring and Insolvency Law.

Erika’s native languages are Italian and English, and she also speaks Spanish and French.

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